Tuesday, March 24, 2009

wiccked buttons

buttons by wiccked

tunisian stitch cardi for larger niece
by me.......almost finished....? adapted this pattern to tunisian stitch. have promised it finished when i visit this weekend... better pull my socks up and get buttons sewn on! this niece who is now 4, was the crash test dummie for our balm for baby bottoms. her small sister is using it too, she is not quite 1.

photo on niece soon??!....if shes not too shy?

detail of top of hat i made last winter and tunisian hooks i made shaped with sharp stanley from 8mm + 6mm dowel. they are about 400mm long to hold lots of stitches. there are no craft shops here, only a co-op farm supply shop, so if you want a tool you have to make one!

some other felted tunisian bags made last winter sitting by the fire....must be autumn...thinking about knitting things, sharpening the axe and getting more firewood

op shop ginger jar in the bathroom just for looking at

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