Mille grazie to Agostino and his friends and the dogs for their hospitality!!
(please excuse very amateur video shot on the run and no editing!)

puddings + dogs
giant meringues and i thought all the dogs in rome were small!!!
more music and piazza navona
link to google map of piazza navona
santa maria degli angelie dei martiri
created by michaelangelo 1562 by modifying the ancient baths of diocletian.
height of pilasters:28 mteres
markets near katya
dogs for nava
went to the park on sunday, Villa Borghese, and met a maremma who lives in the middle of roma???????
sorry!!!! have not figured out video editing yet so you just get them as they are. wobbly bits are usually from me standing on the road or something and nearly dying..........hopefully puddings coming soon